Issue: Doesn't stay activated. Checks for updates.
To fix this after installing Nvivo, uninstall it.
Copy the msi and mst, cab files to C:\ProgramData\NVivo_Install
Import the scheduled task 'Scheduled Task - NVIVO Install.xml'
Copy user.config, Nvivo.vbs, Nvivo.ps1 to C:\ProgramData\NVivo_Install
Edit the PS1 file - This script runs on start up of the worker servers, so it will only install Nvivo if it conforms to the naming standard MV*
Change the install command for your files.
In Citrix make the location:
Path: wscript.exe
Arguments: "C:\ProgramData\NVivo_Install\Nvivo.vbs"
The vbs wrapper copies config to Appdata folder that may change in the future.