Task Sequence can't find a dependency that doesn't exit
When I see 'Failed to run Task Sequence - This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for XXXXXXX cannot be locataed on a distribution point' I go to Monitoring \ Distribution Status \...
View ArticleApply Operating System: Download() failed. 80072efe
If you get this error try adding this command line to your task sequence cmd.exe /c Wpeutil disablefirewall let me know if this workaround helps.
View ArticleSlow Software Center search results
Currently Software Center will use WMI to query all available software for the computer, then it will ask the management point for user assigned apps. If your computer is a bit slow/old the wait time...
View ArticleMicrosoft Orchestrator Error 405: The requested operation requires Publish...
If you get this error using MDT to run a book or using the SCOJobRunner.exe tool, grant the network access account Read and List rights at the top Runbooks folder in Runbook Designer. You also need to...
View ArticleSCCM Right click script to get current IP Addresses.. because you know DNS
Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IpV4 -PrefixOrigin Dhcp,Manual | select IPAddress The post SCCM Right click script to get current IP Addresses.. because you know DNS appeared first on HappySCCM.
View ArticleFuture Broadband NBN Referral code
Australian NBN provider Future Broadband has some good deals going and many benefits. Being on a business grade network you can be sure it is going to be reliable. You also get a free static IP. It...
View ArticleRevisiting how SCCM imports and names images
When capturing the image using build and capture, you have the option of setting a description. This description used to be part of the image name when importing, at some point that changed and no...
View ArticleOffice 2019 Fails to activate - Windows Virtual Desktop
Office will fail to activate because Microsoft sets the KMS server in the registry which overrides any method of finding the on-prem kms. You can deploy a reg to remove these settings. I don't know...
View ArticleStopping mandatory SCCM Reboot last minute
Open an elevated powershell window and run the commands: #Stop SCCM Service stop-service ccmExec #Disable Task that starts service on workstation unlock Disable-ScheduledTask -TaskPath...
View ArticleGoogle Chrome tile start menu color SCCM baseline
Windows 20H2 has fixed the start menu tiles so the colors are not all over the place, however apps can override this. Well only Google does You can fix this by changing an xml file, this file gets...
View ArticleOSD hangs at 'Just a moment' during debugging
There is a KB article on this Computer hangs in an OSD task sequence debug mode - Configuration Manager | Microsoft Docs However it doesn't fix the real problem. The TS Debugger window still stops...
View Article80244007 wsus sccm client error
If you get the following error in WindowsUpdate.log (after running Get-WindowsUpdateLog):InvalidParametersparameters.OtherCachedUpdateIDs80244007 2021/01/14 11:07:37.9106122 4772 7592 WebServices WS...
View ArticleReAmped Energy Cashback
Use my referral code link https://reampedenergy.com.au/RAFRb4Pjxb to get $50 credit to your account. ReAmped is a new player to the Electricity market and is showing some of the cheapest rates. Always...
View ArticleSecure your crypto with a Ledger Wallet
Use my referral code link http://ledger.refr.cc/jayconnor to get US$25 on your purchase. Which One Ledger offers the Nano S and the Nano X. If you are going to go down the rabbit hole of many Alt...
View ArticleSecretLab Australian Referral code
Just bought a new chair. If you need a discount in Australia please use my link for $25 off http://secretlabaustralia.refr.cc/jayc46
View ArticleIIS Application Pool 503 errors
I finally got around to installing the ConfigMgr Webservice to test out BIOS updates. Set it all up, however it would just stop the pool when I executed a query from the client. I re-entered the...
View ArticleDistribute content to a DP based on Collection deployments
Looks like SCCM doesn't distribute packages already assigned to the collection when you add a DP to that collection's properties. Quick and dirty script to do it Get-CMDeployment -CollectionName...
View ArticleCLOUDAPP.NET:443. Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote name could...
If you get this error in the SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR.log you probably followed some nice tutorial but are using a different country cloudapp server. Set up your common name correctly when requesting...
View ArticleOffice 2019 Fails to activate - Windows Virtual Desktop
Office will fail to activate because Microsoft sets the KMS server in the registry which overrides any method of finding the on-prem kms. You can deploy a reg to remove these settings. I don't know...
View ArticleRemove PXE from HyperV Boot order
My VMs flood the network when PXE boots. Not sure of why, but to keep security happy I have removed the network boot via powershell. $GetVM = Get-VM Foreach ($vm in $GetVM) { Write-Host "Removing PXE...
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